Mary-Wynne Ashford
Mary-Wynne Ashford (d. 19 Nov. 2022) was a retired family doctor and palliative care specialist. She had been a leader in nuclear disarmament nationally and internationally for almost forty years. She was a Special Advisor to the Government of Canada at the UN Special Session on Disarmament in 1988, and continued to attend UN Conferences on the Non-Proliferation Treaty and consult to the Government. She served as Co-President of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War for four years, and continued on the Board of IPPNW Canada. IPPNW was awarded the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize. Her book, Enough Blood Shed: 101 Solutions to Violence, Terror, and War has been translated into Korean and Japanese.
Saul Arbess
Saul Arbess is a peace activist and a researcher on forms of civil society participation in peace issues. He believes that, without global cooperation and commitment to active nonviolence, addressing climate change will fail. He is the cofounder of both the Canadian Peace Initiative (CPI) and the Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace (GAMIP)
Colin Stuart
Colin Stuart is a long-time peace and environment activist who has worked with community organizations and cooperatives in Canada, East Africa and South Asia. He has taught courses on political economy and participatory research-action at the Coady International Institute in Antigonish, Nova Scotia and at Carleton University in Ottawa. Colin is a board member of World Beyond War. He believes that it is urgent today to bring together activists, thinkers and those negatively impacted by the current economic structure to try to build a sustainable community based on regeneration and reciprocity.